On Monday the entire Pulaski Community School District staff attended a professional development day which placed a large focus on the battle against bullying (with a new initiative called: Pulaski Kindness) and what to expect with the upcoming Smarter Balanced Assessment.
The next item we had a professional discussion about was the upcoming implementation of Smarter Balanced Assessment, which will will roll out in 2014 and replace the current state testing (WKCE). While we have been learning about this assessment for well over a year now in professional discussions and meetings, this past meeting was the first time we met as a K-12 district (pretty cool) to learn.
Our biggest take away was two things:
- Students need to be better prepared type for extended periods of time. We have to provide our students with more typing experience, and not just when the time presents itself to do a writing project. We have to encourage proficient typing skills, starting now.
- The entire test is web-based, and will require an extensive writing portions, not just in the ELA section, but also math. Students will have to describe what they know about a particular topic.
The pictures that follow are a just a handful of examples of the exceptional descriptions that our students created. They did awesome, considering it was one of the first times that we really forced them to think and write.
**This is definitely a skill we plan on integrating into future assessments and problems as we work towards finishing off the school year.**
I love the Positive Stick idea! What a great way to bring even more kindness to your classroom!